As the calendar year nears its end and the weather changes from fall to winter, most City Parks ease into their hibernation state over the winter months. But at Elm Park and Newton Hill, volunteers from Park Spirit and the Friends of Newton Hill (FNH) switch gears and turn their focus to maintaining and operating Worcester’s ONLY Nordic Ski Park completely FREE and within the entirety of the 68 acres of Elm Park/Newton Hill.
The Nordic Ski Park was established in 2018 through the tremendous work of Park Spirit Vice President Phil Bolduc designing the course and writing and receiving a Recreational Trails Grant through the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) for trail grooming equipment and signage.
Skiing on the Old Cart Path at Newton Hill at Elm Park
Park Spirit Vice President Phil Bolduc with the John Deere gator purchased to maintain the Nordic course
Trail upkeep and grooming is ALL done by Park Spirit and FNH volunteers to provide a unique wintertime recreational opportunity for Nordic Skiing, snowshoeing and even fat tire mountain biking.
Written by Rick Miller. Photos from the Friends of Newton Hill’s Facebook page.